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St Christopher’s

Catholic Primary School

Carry Christ to All

Wrap Around Care

St Christopher’s Catholic Primary School


BOOKING CONDITIONS                                                                                                   



Parents will need to complete a Registration Form in order for their child to attend.


Manager of Breakfast Club: Mrs L Tandy

  • Breakfast Club 7.45 – 8.45am Monday to Fri  – term time.


Manager of After School Club: Miss M Lee

  • After School Club 3.15 – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday - 5.30pm Friday – term time


Payment of Fees:
  • Breakfast Club                                                                                        £5.00
  • After School Club from 3.15pm – 4.30 pm                                            £7.00
  • After School Club from 3.15pm – 6 pm (/Monday to Thursday, Friday 5.30 pm)      £9.50


Paying for Breakfast Club:
  • Breakfast Club is limited to numbers and booking ahead is required.
  • Payment  can be made in advance using Parent Pay – Link to Parent Pay


Paying for After School Club


Sessions are now booked at the beginning of each academic year. If parents wish to change their session times and days they must let us know in writing using the email address below:


Fees are payable in advance, an invoice is generated at the beginning of the academic year which sets out your annual fee.


If you wish to pay monthly/ half termly/ termly, please speak to Mrs Taylor. Working Families Tax Credits can help you to claim back child care costs. Please go to for further details.


Collecting your child from After School:


Children need to be collected from the Club by 6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 5.30pm on a Friday. If you collect your child after this time, you will be charged a penalty of £10.00 for each ¼ hour due to the Club incurring extra staff and caretaking costs. Frequent late collections will result in your child’s space being withdrawn.


Please give us details on the registration form of who will be collecting your child other than yourself, as we will not allow your child to leave the club with someone who is unknown to us. Please ring the school office if someone not recorded on the form is collecting your child, otherwise we will need to speak to you before your child is allowed to leave.


Please note if your child is not picked up from After School Club, and no contact has been made, then we will consider this a safeguarding issue and may have to contact Social Care.


 Absences from After School:


Please inform via email our After School Club if your child is going to be absent, a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice is required for any credit to be issued:




If any child’s behaviour is still unsettled after a period of time, and all attempts made to accommodate them have failed, we may have to advise the parent to remove them from the Club. Our concern is for the happiness and well-being of the child. He/she may be re-admitted at a later date. If any child disrupts the Club, e.g. bullying, being rude or badly behaved, and does not respond to reasonable attempts at resolving the situation, we reserve the right to withdraw their place.




If you wish to remove your child from the club, please give us two weeks’ notice.
