E- Safety
E-Safety is very important to us at St Christopher’s. We teach children how to keep themselves safe on the internet as soon as they start at school.
The Government’s online media literacy strategy sets out that the government will give internet users the knowledge and skills they need to make informed and safe choices online.
It sets out 5 principles to underpin delivery of media literacy education. These include understanding:
- the risks of sharing personal data and how to protect their privacy
- how the online environment operates
- how online content is generated and to critically analyse the content they consume
- that online actions can have offline consequences, and use this understanding in their online interactions
- how to participate positively in online engagement, while understanding the risks of engaging with others
We join in with the national Internet Safety day each year and have follow up activities each term. Children are reminded about keeping safe every time they go on the Internet. It is vital that this education works in partnership with parents. To help you we have included guidance on the safe use of popular websites. If you have any questions about E-safety, at home or school, please contact the office.