School Uniform
St Christopher’s School Uniform
Red Polo Shirt
Red School Jumper
Sensible black school shoes
Grey school trousers or grey skirt, grey or black tights or socks
Grey school shorts
Red and white check summer dress
All clothing must be named or labelled including non-uniform items especially coats, pumps and wellingtons. Our lost property is regularly filled with unlabelled items!
P.E. Kit
This is needed by all children.
A white T-shirt, black or navy shorts and trainers. Track suits can be worn for outdoor games as can trainers - these should be dark in colour. Please keep PE kit in school, but remember to check the size of pumps regularly, especially in younger children.
School uniform can be purchased online at Stitch Design or from M Warrens in Chadkirk
To order your school uniform for collection from M Warren's please use the link below.
To order your school uniform from Stitch Design please register using the link below.
Jewellery and rings should not be worn, both for safety and security reasons.
If you wish your child to wear earrings at school, they must be very small studs and certainly nothing which might accidentally be snagged or caught in any way by children playing in the playground.
Earrings cannot be worn during PE or games so if your child cannot remove and replace them totally independently they must not be worn on a day when those subjects are timetabled for the class.
Hair Styles and Accessories
We ask that any “fun” hair styles such as tram lines, buzz cuts, extensions etc are saved for the school holidays. Large hair bows are not suitable in the classroom, and pupils will be asked to remove them.