Parent and Family Association
Our busy Parents and Families Association are currently organising events for the forthcoming year. New members are always welcome to join our friendly team. Please contact the school office on 0161 – 430 – 4473 if you are interested, we love hearing new ideas and welcome volunteers. Being part of the PFA can be rewarding and lots of fun so please join us!
Click on the above link to go straight to the Giving Machine page for St Christopher’s. By using this page the PFA will be able to raise more money for the children at our school!
St Christophers PFA 200 Club
Dear St Christophers Supporter,
Would you like the opportunity to help the PFA raise funds for our children, at our school while at the same time, have a chance to win a monthly prize of £25.00 or £10.00 and have the chance to win a Christmas Bonus of £50.00.
All you have to do is purchase a number in a draw for £1.00 per number, each number has a 1 in 200, or a 2% chance of winning one of these prizes.
More importantly, if all 200 numbers are purchased, the PFA raises £165.00 per month that can be spent directly on our children and at a time when schools budgets are getting squeezed this really can make a big difference.
Payments can be made via standing order, cash or cheque (made payable to St Christopher’s PTA 200 Club).
Numbers will be issued on a first come first served basis.
Once we have received your completed Members Form and cash or standing order we will confirm your number/s to you.
Existing Members
If you are an existing member then let us take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support!
We would also like to take this opportunity to check we have all your details on file correctly, therefore to help us do this please can you complete the attached Members Form.
There is no need to make any changes or updates to any of your standing orders.
We are aware that over the past few months the club has been a little quiet, but no more! The PFA has appointed 2 new administrators for the club.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact either Susan Carr or Kym Martin.
Thank You for all your support
ST Christophers PFA