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St Christopher’s

Catholic Primary School

Carry Christ to All

Our Governors

The work of a School Governor is varied and interesting. It involves challenge and debate but it is also very rewarding.


Our Governors work hard in a voluntary capacity to support the school and act as ‘critical friends’ to ensure that the very best experience is provided for all associated with it.


They strive to promote high educational standards and support staff in the fostering and preservation of the school’s Catholic ethos. The Governing Body aims to ensure that children attend an effectively led school which provides them with a good education and supports their health and emotional well-being.


The Governing Body’s Role is to:

Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction – along with the Head we set the aims and objectives around how the school will develop and improve.


Hold the Head to account for the performance of the school and its pupils and for the performance management of staff. We support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team and aim to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our pupils.


Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.


We also aim to ensure that the voices of stakeholders are heard – including staff, parents, pupils and the wider community.


There are currently 10 members on our Governing Body:

7 Foundation governors (appointed by the Bishop of Shrewsbury)
1 Parent (elected by all parents).  There is 1 Parent vacancy
1 Local Authority (approved by Stockport LA)
1 Staff governor (elected by all the members of staff)
The Headteacher is automatically a member of the Governing Body.


 As at September 2024, these are:

Foundation Governors: Mr Matthew Standing (Co-Chair), Mrs Susan Carr (Co-Chair) Fr Michael Gannon, Miss Ailish Hogan, Mrs Liz Thompson, Mrs Anne Arthur, Mrs Sarah Smith
Parent Governor: Mr Mark Albinson
LA Governor: Mrs Ann Marie Lester (Vice-Chair)
Staff Governor: Mrs Rachel Van Laere


All members have full voting rights.
The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the Governing Board on an annual basis




At St Christopher’s, Governors attend Full Governing Body meetings twice a term.


Committees that meet once per year are in place for Headteacher Performance Management and the Pay Committee.

Governors also carry out a survey of parents and carers every two years.


Paper copies of meeting minutes are available free of charge, from the office on request.


Governors have to declare if they have any financial or business interest in the school, if they are related in any way to other Governors or staff and if they are a Governor at other schools.  All Governors have signed the CES Governors Code of Conduct, and all hold an advanced DBS.


How can you contact the governing body?
We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents – please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Matthew Standing or Mrs Susan Carr, via the school office.


The NGA has produced a short video for their Visible Difference campaign to explain the role of governors and trustees. This is available here-

This is the link for our school’s financial benchmarking:
