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St Christopher’s

Catholic Primary School

Carry Christ to All

Preparation for The Sacraments

Preparation for First Forgiveness and First Holy Communion 


At St Christopher's we support families in the preparation of our Year 3 pupils to receive The Sacraments. 


"God never tires of forgiving us." (Pope Francis) 

We begin with First Forgiveness (Reconciliation), which usually takes place during the season of Lent, in the month of March. We help the children to understand that they are talking to God, and asking for forgiveness for any wrong choices that they have made. As part of our Restorative Approaches forgiveness is a theme that runs through school life - being able to forgive ourselves and each other. 


"The Eucharist is my highway to heaven." (Blessed Carlo Acutis)

First Holy Communion takes place during Eastertide, the 50 days after Easter. We prepare the children to understand that in receiving The Eucharist, they are receiving his real body. This is an amazing gift from God to us. it may be beyond us to fully understand this, but through our faith we have belief in the Eucharist we receive. 


Support for Families: Parents and Carers are invited to 4 sessions at Our Lady and St Christopher's Church to help them understand The Sacraments and how they can support their children. Practical information about times and what to wear is sent out to families. 

